After long enough
This blank canvas turns to splatter
Fingers broken after walking
Through doors too slowly
Getting caught in the other side
Of rooms
No innocence of violence
But I’m gentleman enough to know
To leave the innocent alone
My skin’s grown tight
Over time, contractures
Keep the world small
But the poison
Stays a well-behaved
Prisoner of war
Inside my shadow
Those parts have left me striped
Went through time without leaving
A wake of violence
But could be worse
I’m just left pied
Thank the heavens a vampire’s teeth
Are only infectious when it kisses
It chokes when it embraces
It screams to its witnesses
If you return the words in kin
It generates debt, then curses
If you dip into its purse
Talks into your future
If you hold the can and string
No innocence of violence
But I’m gentleman enough to know
To leave the innocent alone